The Live Free Academy
How to launch a profitable freelance business- FAST
Without a fancy degree, thousands of dollars in startup money, or previous experience.

You've been told that the problem is you.

I screamed through tears at my husband... again. After a long day of teaching in the classroom, I had rushed to pick up our first born from daycare and was now rushing around the kitchen, trying desperately to make dinner, wash bottles, and squeeze in some precious family time before Mclaren's bedtime. She watched quietly from her highchair as I rushed, rummaged, and wailed.

I knew deep in my soul there had to be a better way.

Are you tired of rushing through every single day?

Overwhelmed at the constant COVID changes and closures that are forcing you to try to mother like you don’t have a job and work like you’re not a mother?

SO stinkin’ sick of hearing how "this is just how it is! You have to sacrifice!”

Stressed, sad, and just downright angry that in 2020 you actually have to choose between earning money for your family or watching your sweet babies grow up?!

Six years ago...I was you. A high school English teacher trying desperately to find a way to make money and stay home with my baby. Everyone told me I wanted too much. Everyone told me it just wasn’t possible. Everyone told me to pick a lane. But...lucky for me...I didn’t listen to one.freaking.word.

I grew my freelancing business and doubled my old teacher salary...working where, when, and how I wanted. I turned in my resignation, picked Mclaren up from daycare for the very last time, and never looked back.

Soon, other moms started to reach out- wanting to know how I made this happen & how they could, too! While it took me months to land any clients with my DIY route...the moms who implemented my plans were getting results- fast! Like...quitting their jobs in one month fast! 
The key difference?

My Overwhelmed to Overbooked Framework! When everything you need to launch a business- from the boring legal/tax info to the super-fun branding exercises- are all in one place...success isn’t only’s lightning fast!

Today, over 2,500+ women have utilized my revolutionary program Live Free Academy to quit their jobs, land dream clients, and do it all with their families by their side!

You are not crazy or entitled for wanting something more. Something different than the path we were told to take our entire lives. What is actually crazy is that it’s taken this long for mothers to finally decide enough is enough.

Are you ready to transform your life and build a business you actually love? 

No more sacrifice. No more stress.

It's possible. And you can start right now.

I made back my investment within 2 months and I'm continuing to grow my business.
Micala's program gives you every tool that you need to start your own online business. Whether you chose to go into social media, podcasting, marketing, etc. it will still set a strong foundation of what you need to accomplish it. Each person's journey is different and Micala's coaching calls are really helpful. She gives people attention to their questions. Inside her Facebook Community, the members are encouraging and helpful too.
What sets this program apart from other courses is the weekly live coaching calls with Micala and a very active and supportive community.
We all have different goals and circumstances, but if you do the work and follow the program, you will succeed. I got off to a slow start, but within two months of focused action, I landed my first client which more than covered the investment in the program. One year later, I have surpassed my full-time salary while working part-time. It's empowering structuring my business to fit my lifestyle.
Since signing up, I've not only reached my income goal but I've made some amazing business besties along the way.
It’s also allowed me to be home with my daughter more, which was one of my goals! If you have ever thought for even a second about freelance work, look no further than Micala. She has a heart for what she does and truly wants to see you succeed in your business!
42% of all workers age 22-34 freelance, and it's expected to be the majority of the workforce by 2027
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51% of freelancers say they wouldn't take a traditional job, no matter how much they're offered
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63% of freelancers think that having a diversified portfolio of clients is more secure than one employer

Launch your business--- love your life with

Build a profitable, stable freelance business ASAP with the ultimate program for overworked, underpaid, OVER IT moms ready to end the family vs. finances battle.

My proprietary 8-Step Overwhelmed to Overbooked Framework helps you build your business ASAP.  
No second-guessing or spending too much time on one little area, the modules inside the Live Free Academy are jam-packed with the tools and templates you need to launch a legitimate, functional, profitable business. Inside the 2022 revamp, every single module now features our LFA Rapid Launch Resources! From Trello boards and systems setups to brand kits and discovery call scripts, all you have to do is click, drag, and launch!

Break FREE with my power-packed, comprehensive, step-by-step guide to designing, launching, and growing the business of your dreams.

  • Match, double, or triple your current take-home pay (so you can FINALLY leave your 9-5)
  • Attract and land clients by leveraging the skills and experience you already have, even if you think you have none!
  • Master time management - stay focused & build your biz in as little as 20 minutes per day (no more wasting hours on Google & YouTube trying to DIY it all!)
  • Banish imposter syndrome and build your business badassery!
  • Join a community of successful, inspiring, powerful women ready to embrace and empower you. You can do this- but you will never have to do it alone!
  • Finally enjoy freedom, flexibility, and financial stability (without sacrificing precious family time or your sanity!)

Build the life and career you’ve always wanted-  with your babies by your side as you conquer it all.

Want to take a deeper look inside
The Live Free Academy?
Prep & Plan Intro
First up - your business foundation. We will discover the WHY that will drive you, design a goal action plan, create the ultimate time management system, manage your mindset & more!
  • A realistic plan to build your business - no matter how much time you think you have!
  • Your realistic quit date and strategies to reach your goal
  • All the FREE tools and tech you need to run your business
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • Prep & Plan Get It Done Workbook
Estimated time to complete this module: 2 hours
STEP 01:
Choose Your Freelance Service
Jumpstart your journey by learning all about the services you can offer as a freelancer- starting today! We will explore the skills and knowledge you need to excel across popular freelance niches, define the skills you already have, and choose the service that is the best fit for you
  • An in-depth understanding of popular freelance career options
  • Strategies to determine and define the skills you already have
  • A profitable freelance service that will get you P.A.I.D.
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • Identify Your Service Get It Done Workbook
Estimated time to complete this module: 2 hours
STEP 02:
Identify Your Ideal Client
Now that you have a service to offer, it’s time to identify your ideal clients! And trust me- it’s not anyone who will pay you! We’ll explore why ideal clients matter, how a narrowed approach actually leads to more opportunities, and how to understand what your ideal client wants and needs.
  • Your ideal client avatar
  • Methods to help you uncover the difference-making details about your dream partners
  • My EXACT market-research strategy (it almost always leads to another client signed!)
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • Pick Your Ideal Client Get It Done Workbook
  • Ideal Client Avatar Profiles
  • Market Research Questions & Call Scripts
  • Coffee Chat Template
Estimated time to complete this module: 2 hours
STEP 03:
Pricing and Packaging
Now it’s time for the good stuff! It’s time to set your rates based on experience, expertise, and stay competitive inside YOUR freelance niche 
  • A blueprint + scripts to price and package your services by freelance service
  • Answers to all your pricing and packages questions
  • The Live Free Academy pricing calculator
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • How to Price & Package Your Servicse Get It Done Workbook
  • Pricing Calculator
  • Take & Tweak Package Starters
  • Raising Your Rates Scipts
Estimated time to complete this module: 2 hours
STEP 04:
Establish Your Brand
Woohoo! We did it. You have the foundation in place to build the business of your dreams! Now we will develop a beautiful brand that attracts clients, even if you don’t have an eye for design!
Spoiler Alert → This module is everyone’s favorite!
  • A showstopping, cohesive brand that WOWS your ideal clients
  • Design tips and tricks to make branding your biz super simple
  • Your own customizable starter brand kit!
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • Develop Your Brand Get It Done Workbook
  • Brand Starter Templates
  • Brand Board Template
Estimated time to complete this module: 3 hours
STEP 05:
How to Find & Connect with Potential Clients
In this step, I’ll show you how to take that ideal client from your dreams to your inbox. We will work through strategies for landing clients, WHERE to find your ideal clients, time management skills, & exactly how to pitch anyone
  • FIVE different strategies to find clients
  • TEN pitch templates & scripts
  • A done-for-you-plan to land your first client in 30 days
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • Connect & Find Potential Clients Get It Done Workbook
  • Facebook Group Trello Board
  • Connect & Pitch Templates
  • Strategy to Land Your First Client PDF
Estimated time to complete this module: 2.5 hours + 5 hours minimum weekly to implement your strategy to land clients
STEP 06:
Build Your Online Presence
It’s time to take your business out into the online world. We will build your digital portfolio, optimize your social media presence (and no worries…you don’t have to be on every single platform!), plus I’ll teach exactly how to gain the work experience and testimonials you need to develop a Web presence that wows!
  • A portfolio that converts potential clients into paying clients
  • Client-attracting, fully optimized social media profiles
  • Templates so all you have to do is drag, drop, and mark it done!
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • Develop Your Online Presence Get It Done Workbook
  • 3 Portfolio Templates to choose from
  • Portfolio Copy Starter (Madlib Style)
  • Social Media Graphic Templates
Estimated time to complete this module: 6 hours
STEP 07:
How to Seal the Deal & Land the Client
Let’s get those clients locked in! In Module 7, we will cover exactly how to run discovery calls, how to send contracts and invoices, and a follow-up system that keeps you on top of all business leads!
  • Discovery call templates and scripts you can use immediately
  • Contract and invoice templates
  • A ready-to-use lead tracking system
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • How to Seal the Deal & Land Clients Get It Done Workbook
  • Discovery Call Template
  • Potential Questions to Ask By Service Doc
  • Proposal Template
  • Contract Templates
  • Follow-Up Templates
  • How to Evaluate What's Working & What's Not Survey
Estimated time to complete this module: 1 hour
STEP 08:
Getting Started Working With & Wowing Your Clients
Are you ready to transform that one-time project into a long-term business relationship? In Module 8, we put all the pieces together to ensure your new clients transform into reliable monthly retainer income. 
  • The super-secret client onboarding process that WOWs
  • Best practices to managing and maintaining awesome, long-term client relationships
  • How to ask for testimonials & referrals
LFA Rapid Launch Resources:
  • Getting Started Working With & Wowing Your Clients Get It Done Workbook
  • Client Organization Trello Board
  • Kick-Off Call Template
  • Onboarding Checklist Document
  • The Monthly Review Template
  • Testimonial & Feedback Questions Template
Estimated time to complete this module: 1 hour
Upon completion of The Live Free Academy, you will have so much more than just a legitimate, functional, and insanely profitable business.  Which is pretty amazing on its own, don’t ya think?!

You will also have the confidence, knowledge, and ability to fully transform your life and break free of the family vs. finances battle...forever!

And that’s pretty dang priceless.
Sneak a peek at the secret weapons that shift your success into overdrive…
Legally Legit Training
Ensure The Legal & Money Side Of Your Business Is Set Up For Success
One Stop Tech System
Learn the Best System To Manage The Backend Of Your Business
Portfolio & Confidence Booster
We provide potential client avatars & job opportunities for you to practice different scenarios & tasks when working with clients.

Masters of Online Business Bonus!
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Go behind-the-scenes of my entire business with the amazing rock stars who make up team Micala Quinn! If you’re wanting an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at how my entire team manages MY business (so that you’re prepared to wow any client!) then you NEED to access this bonus ASAP!

  • Scheduling Posts on Facebook
  • Posting a Blog to WordPress
  • Hashtags & Hashtag Research
  • How to Edit a Podcast
  • How to Repurpose Content
  • How to Implement a Client's Social Media Strategy
  • How to pitch to potential affiliates
  • Pinterest Scheduling
  • Instagram Scheduling
  • Email Inbox Management
  • How to Build a Landing Page
  • Media Pitching
  • How to Create a Social Media Strategy & Content Calendar for a Client
  • How to build an email automation

Enjoy SIX months private access to the most AMAZING Facebook group for work at home moms on the internet. This group is only available to OTO students and alumni.

It’s your work break room...minus the toxicity and negativity that come with traditional jobs. Post your questions, find an accountability partner, network, share your progress, celebrate your success, & reach out for support when you’re struggling. With over 1000+ active members waiting, willing, and ready to embrace you- you cannot fail! We won’t let you.

Join the LFA Community manager + all your new freelance besties to dive DEEP for brand-new challenges - launching the first of EACH month in 2022! Land new clients, grow your network, scale your services, + MORE with all the feedback & support you could ever need!

Previous challenge participants landed THREE clients… in 30 days! And that’s without 100% perfect implementation and action.
We’ll be launching new challenges every month so you can stay consistent, steady, and scaling!
Get personalized 1:1 help from ME...every week!

A 6-month access pass to weekly coaching calls is included in your LFA purchase. The calls are virtual and informal! Join from work while on your lunch break or in the car while your kids sing in the background -- whatever you need to do to be there is encouraged! You can stay as long or as short as your schedule allows. Calls are recorded so you can watch the replay.
In addition to all the training and support you will get from me inside the Live Free Academy & during our weekly coaching calls and monthly challenges, the LFA community also hosts monthly guest experts to keep you completely informed and up-to-date on the latest trends, tools, and tips across all industries and niches! Learn from the best of the best…for free!
I've become known as one of the best resources for business owners looking to hire a freelancer -- this means exclusive job leads each day for you! A 6-month access pass to my top-secret job leads board is included with your LFA purchase! Best of all? The job leads are NOT one size-fits-all! The job leads vary each week in project, niche, budget, and experience needed.

Want a sneak peek?!

Here’s what I know: Launching a business is not easy. Even with all the support and guidance included in LFA, life and business can be messy. You will derailed from time to time and experience setbacks. Everyone does!
That’s why the LFA community and weekly office hours are included with the program. To ensure you have daily and weekly support options to get back on track, crush those goals, and get home to your babies!
The Live Free Difference.
Maybe this isn’t the first time you’ve heard about launching a freelance business. Let’s be real...there are tons of programs out there offering super similar trainings and results as The Live Free Academy.

How do you make a decision? Aren’t they all the same?

Absolutely not!

Training programs often fall into one of two categories… 
Launched their freelance business less than one year ago. It was successful. If they can do it...anyone can! They launch a training program with no results from other students, no guarantees, and no in-depth knowledge of industries, skillsets, and experience levels different from their own. Oof. I have over five years of experience and a proven plan that gets results- over 1000 women have used my program to transform their lives! And they are definitely not all working with the same skillsets or experience levels! The vast variety of the OTO alum speaks for itself- this is more than just a training program for one kind of woman seeking one kind of career. No matter your niche, passion, or vision for your business—my training leads to success.
Person B is an expert. They have flashy sales pages, amazing video tutorials, heck they’ve probably even published a book! Shouldn’t you invest in that freelance guru over some mom typing this while her 3-year-old draws on himself with permanent marker?! Here’s what they don’t tell you. Many times, those impressive guides are where the guru’s instruction stops. No additional support or resources. There’s no one to reach out to when things get tough or confusing. They focus solely on telling you what to do that they never show you how to do it. The reason the OTO alum are so insanely successful in all corners of the freelance market is because we dive deep. We dive deep together. And we do it over and over, every step of your freelance career.

The Live Free Difference.
Maybe this isn’t the first time you’ve heard about launching a freelance business. Let’s be real...there are tons of programs out there offering super similar trainings and results as The Live Free Academy.

How do you make a decision? Aren’t they all the same?

Absolutely not!

Training programs often fall into one of two categories…

launched their freelance business less than one year ago. It was successful. If they can do it...anyone can! They launch a training program with no results from other students, no guarantees, and no in-depth knowledge of industries, skillsets, and experience levels different from their own. Oof. I have over five years of experience and a proven plan that gets results- over 1000 women have used my program to transform their lives! And they are definitely not all working with the same skillsets or experience levels! The vast variety of the OTO alum speaks for itself- this is more than just a training program for one kind of woman seeking one kind of career. No matter your niche, passion, or vision for your business—my training leads to success.
Person B is an expert. They have flashy sales pages, amazing video tutorials, heck they’ve probably even published a book! Shouldn’t you invest in that freelance guru over some mom typing this while her 3-year-old draws on himself with permanent marker?! Here’s what they don’t tell you. Many times, those impressive guides are where the guru’s instruction stops. No additional support or resources. There’s no one to reach out to when things get tough or confusing. They focus solely on telling you what to do that they never show you how to do it. The reason the OTO alum are so insanely successful in all corners of the freelance market is because we dive deep. We dive deep together. And we do it over and over, every step of your freelance career.

I have by far exceeded my income at my office job working 5-20 hours a week!
“I signed up for Micala’s program because I was ready to kick my freelance career into full gear so that I could stay home with my daughter, travel with my husband, and do fulfilling work. I am so much happier now.. I have tapped into creative skills that are flourishing and bringing me so much joy.”

Meet Haylee!
“If you are willing to work & you have dreams & are willing to listen to Micala’s advice, you can absolutely do it. You will be successful.”
Priorities shift after you have a baby. Although Hayley had always dreamed of being a teacher, the stress of juggling mom life with teacher life pushed her to seek other options. Now 3 months after enrolling in Micala’s program, Hayley is on track to replace her teacher salary & be a full-time WAHM!
The ROI came quickly, and so did the transition of being "overwhelmed" to being "overbooked.
Micala's course is truly amazing and life changing. She gives detailed, step-by-step actions to take to start your freelancing business- all while providing a ton of ongoing support. Her authenticity is refreshing, and I adore the community she created. I am empowered to live & work how I want because of her course!! I am forever grateful for this course!!

Meet Jennifer!
“I can’t imagine going back to working a regular job after freelancing & working from home. It’s the perfect balance for our family.”
Jennifer was seeking freedom. Finding a job that allowed her to balance a career & family life seemed impossible. After purchasing Overwhelmed to Overbooked, Jennifer transitioned from a virtual assistant to copy editing & content writing. She met her first financial goal within months of purchasing!
  • My 8 Step Overwhelmed to Overbooked Framework (Value $2,998)
  • Bonus: Masters of Online Business (Value $997)
  • Bonus: 6 Months Access to The Live Free Academy Community (Value $997)
  • Bonus: 6 Months of Weekly Office Hours (Value $5,000+)
  • Bonus: 6 Months Exclusive Access to Job Leads (Value $2,079)
  • LFA Rapid Launch Resources (Value $1,497)
  • Bonus: Get it done workbooks (Value $497)
  • Bonus:  6 Months of Guest Expert Trainings (Value $997)
  • Bonus: MONTHLY LFA Community Challenges! (Value $997)
  • Bonus: Portfolio & Confidence Boosters (Value $97)
TOTAL VALUE: $15,000+
YOUR INVESTMENT: 6 easy payments of $297
Choose the payment plan that works for you. No matter which plan you choose, you will gain immediate access to all lessons, resources, & our amazing community.
How much time does it take to fully complete the Live Free Academy?
Allow me to put on my former teacher hat here and make one (probably obvious!) disclaimer: every student is different! I can’t give you an exact, precise, absolutely guaranteed time for how long it would take to complete LFA because it’s going to be slightly different depending on your circumstances and perfectionist tendencies. 

But my best estimation is somewhere between 15-30 hours, start to finish. 

Some ladies finish in a week, some finish in one month, others take a little bit longer. It’s all going to depend on how much time you have! 
How much money can I REALLY make?
How exactly can you hit your income goals? And when? How do you price it out? How many clients will you need? Start here with our examples! See what's possible with your pricing and client structure and see just how fast your can meet your exact financial goals!
The program gave me actionable, step by step tasks to get my business running and profitable!
I can't think Micala and her team enough for being the constant support that I needed! Because of it, I am a confident social media manager! 100% recommend!!
Micala gave me the tools and support I needed to start a business that I love and will continue to build in the years to come.
The program has been an absolute game-changer for me! I was a teacher for 7 years, but after having my first son, I wanted to stay home with him but didn't think it was financially possible. I also enjoyed working, but didn't think there were any part-time jobs that would provide the necessary finances for me to stay home. Since going through the program, I'm here to say it's absolutely possible! I've been able to stay home with my son and not miss any of his important moments while still contributing financially to my family. I cannot recommend this course enough! It is well-beyond worth the investment.
The LFA Guarantee
I know this program is an investment, but I also know it has the potential to transform your life for the better.

But it’s still risky to trust an online stranger, believe in yourself, and go for it.
I get it.

When you step inside the Live Free Academy - I promise to provide you with every level of support you need to make freelancing work for you. This program is intentionally designed with multiple levels of support across platforms to give you access to the coaching and encouragement you need.

In addition to the trainings, templates, weekly live coaching calls, monthly challenges, job leads, and student community connection you can instantly access, I am always here if you need additional 1:1 support.

If for some reason this isn’t enough … reach out and my team will help find a solution.

No problem, check out the FAQ below.
Don't see your question answered? Shoot us an email at

What is a freelancer?
A freelancer is someone who operates as an independent contractor to help small or online businesses grow. You might have a specialized skill set (like graphic design, social media marketing, or copywriting) or you might offer virtual admin support. As a freelancer you set your own rates, run your own business, set your hours etc. My course will help you build your business from scratch- including helping you find clients!

A freelancer is someone who operates as an independent contractor to help small or online businesses grow. You might have a specialized skill set (like graphic design, social media marketing, or copywriting) or you might offer virtual admin support. As a freelancer you set your own rates, run your own business, set your hours etc. My course will help you build your business from scratch- including helping you find clients!

You will receive your login information to access course materials shortly after you complete your purchase.

It depends, because everyone has different goals. Some women find clients in a couple weeks and others take a couple months. The average is around a month!

Of course! One entire step in this program is dedicated to helping you select the right services! We also focus on helping you create your packages and pricing, so you know what to charge!

Unlimited access to course content (you can go back and review and rewatch any time you want!) and 6 months access to Group Coaching Calls, Course Community, Guest Expert Trainings, and Exclusive Job Leads - yes there is an opportunity to continue with the resources after 6 months!

Absolutely! About half of the moms in our program are SAHMs and the other half are working moms looking to replace their full-time income. We even have a few women who aren't moms yet, but are planning on starting their family soon and want to have the freedom to be home when they decide to start having kids! As a SAHM you can build your business and your work hours around your kiddos schedule!

We won't let you! If you follow the steps outlined in my course, seek help when you need it, reach out when you are stuck, you will be amazed at what you are capable of! But what happens if you don't even try? You'll sit there wondering what could have been.

Yes! There are two main routes we focus on in the course: facebook groups and the local market. Both are great options to find clients and we will show you what to do in each situation to land clients. That being said there are TONS of businesses out there and each day more people are creating online endeavors, growing their shops, and hiring support to help them grow! The course group regularly shares job opportunities and I even have a hire form setup to funnel leads into the group!

Everyone's story is different, but there are multiple levels of support to help you be successful. From group coaching calls, course content, and the private Facebook community the steps of the program are proven.When I say no member is left behind I mean it. But you are going to have to take responsibility. You have to show up, complete the course, implement what I teach and reach out when you get stuck or need help
That really depends on how much you want to work and what you are charging per hour or per package. If you have a goal in mind in order to quit your job or to start supplementing, an easy way to figure out your earning potential is to see how many hours you have to work a week and multiply that by your hourly rate. So, if you are charging $30 an hour and have 20 hours to work a week, you could bring in around $2400 a month. However, as a freelancer the opportunities are endless! As your skillset and business grows, you have the freedom to raise your prices and restructure your packages so that you can work the same and start making more, or work less and make the same! It's totally up to you! We have moms with a variety of goals in the course group, some are looking for an extra $500 a month & others are making over 5K per month.

It totally depends on the amount of time you have to devote to the course. I recommend trying to complete one step per week. There is a fast track option I talk about in the program- some women have finished in as fast as one week. However, you do not have to complete the program to find clients and start making money! I will show you how to start taking on clients while you are still building!


No problem, check out the FAQ below.
Don't see your question answered? Shoot us an email at

What is a freelancer?
A freelancer is someone who operates as an independent contractor to help small or online businesses grow. You might have a specialized skill set (like graphic design, social media marketing, or copywriting) or you might offer virtual admin support. As a freelancer you set your own rates, run your own business, set your hours etc. My course will help you build your business from scratch- including helping you find clients!

You will receive your login information to access course materials shortly after you complete your purchase.

Of course! One entire step in this program is dedicated to helping you select the right services! We also focus on helping you create your packages and pricing, so you know what to charge!

Absolutely! About half of the moms in our program are SAHMs and the other half are working moms looking to replace their full-time income. We even have a few women who aren't moms yet, but are planning on starting their family soon and want to have the freedom to be home when they decide to start having kids! As a SAHM you can build your business and your work hours around your kiddos schedule!

Yes! There are two main routes we focus on in the course: facebook groups and the local market. Both are great options to find clients and we will show you what to do in each situation to land clients. That being said there are TONS of businesses out there and each day more people are creating online endeavors, growing their shops, and hiring support to help them grow! The course group regularly shares job opportunities and I even have a hire form setup to funnel leads into the group!

That really depends on how much you want to work and what you are charging per hour or per package. If you have a goal in mind in order to quit your job or to start supplementing, an easy way to figure out your earning potential is to see how many hours you have to work a week and multiply that by your hourly rate. So, if you are charging $30 an hour and have 20 hours to work a week, you could bring in around $2400 a month. However, as a freelancer the opportunities are endless! As your skillset and business grows, you have the freedom to raise your prices and restructure your packages so that you can work the same and start making more, or work less and make the same! It's totally up to you! We have moms with a variety of goals in the course group, some are looking for an extra $500 a month & others are making over 5K per month.

It includes training on the tools I recommend (Trello, Acuity, Canva, Zoom etc). But there is always more you can learn!It does not include intensive training on how to become a social media manager or bookkeeper etc. But we do have guest experts on those topics to help get you started!
It depends, because everyone has different goals. Some women find clients in a couple weeks and others take a couple months. The average is around a month!

Unlimited access to course content (you can go back and review and rewatch any time you want!) and 6 months access to Group Coaching Calls, Course Community, Guest Expert Trainings, and Exclusive Job Leads - yes there is an opportunity to continue with the resources after 6 months!

It totally depends on the amount of time you have to devote to the course. I recommend trying to complete one step per week. There is a fast track option I talk about in the program- some women have finished in as fast as one week. However, you do not have to complete the program to find clients and start making money! I will show you how to start taking on clients while you are still building!

We won't let you! If you follow the steps outlined in my course, seek help when you need it, reach out when you are stuck, you will be amazed at what you are capable of! But what happens if you don't even try? You'll sit there wondering what could have been.

Everyone's story is different, but there are multiple levels of support to help you be successful. From group coaching calls, course content, and the private Facebook community the steps of the program are proven.When I say no member is left behind I mean it. But you are going to have to take responsibility. You have to show up, complete the course, implement what I teach and reach out when you get stuck or need help
Checkout some of our wins...
Yours could be next!

  • My 8 Step Overwhelmed to Overbooked Framework (Value $2,998)
  • Bonus: Masters of Online Business (Value $997)
  • Bonus: 6 Months Access to The Live Free Academy Community (Value $997)
  • Bonus: 6 Months of Weekly Office Hours (Value $5,000+)
  • Bonus: 6 Months Exclusive Access to Job Leads (Value $2,079)
  • LFA Rapid Launch Resources (Value $1,497)
  • Bonus: Get it done workbooks (Value $497)
  • Bonus:  6 Months of Guest Expert Trainings (Value $997)
  • Bonus: MONTHLY LFA Community Challenges! (Value $997)
  • Bonus: Portfolio & Confidence Boosters (Value $97)
TOTAL VALUE: $15,000+
YOUR INVESTMENT: 6 easy payments of $297
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Copyright 2021 Micala Quinn, LLC